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Åpen dag med Immerse NTNU

Åpen dag med Immerse NTNU

31/8/2023 17:15

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Immerse har opptak!

Immerse har opptak!


"We want to prepare you for your professional life as a software developer"

We don't create games

We create developers

Immerse’s goal is to create a community where everyone can learn from each other and get together to create something they want to make. We want to become an organization known for its talented members.

How does Immerse work?

In your first semester you will acquire the skills to start making games. You will learn about the Unity game engine, the C# programming language, and how to work as a team using Github. You will also create some smaller games.

Starting your second semester you become a junior developer and will work on a larger game with some supervision. You will also help members in their first semester.

When you no longer need supervision you will become a senior, aka someone who supervises junior developers.